Ascaya Residential Land Development


In November of 2004, Fisher Grading & Excavation began working on a $252 million, five year, high-end residential project in Henderson, NV. Dubbed "Ascaya", the job entailed excavating 313 residential lots out of a mountain of rock. The project also included the construction of 32 miles of 16 foot high rock retaining walls. Each boulder was individually selected and set by our operators!

The project site encompasses 663 acres, over one square mile, and nearly every acre has an excellent view of the Las Vegas Strip. Throughout the course of the project, we drilled, blasted, and relocated approximately 15 million cubic yards of material. No material was allowed to be imported or exported from the project site, and nearly 7 million cubic yards of aggregates were processed on-site.

This turn-key project included not only mass excavation, but design and installation of all utilities including: power, cable, telephone, gas, a complete infrastructure water system to overcome the 1,000 feet of elevation change, water distribution system, sanitary sewer, storm water, curbing, gutters, and asphalt.

Ascaya Residential Land Development Facts:

  • 663 Acres

  • 313 Residential lots

  • 14.7 million cubic yards excavated

  • 2.78 million square feet rock retaining walls

  • 6.8 million cubic yards of aggregates processed

  • 1 million+ project man-hours

  • 1,000 foot elevation difference


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