Fisher Sand & Gravel Company


Established in southwest North Dakota in 1952, Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. is the parent company of Fisher Industries. We have more than 70 years of experience in the aggregate processing industry and are currently ranked as one of the top 25 sand and gravel-producing companies in the United States.

Our main activity has been locating, processing, and delivering sand, gravel, and aggregate products and providing crushing services to contractors for roads, dams, and large public work projects. We specialize in portability. Our portable rock-crushing, asphalt, and concrete recycling plants make our operations more agile, efficient, and profitable. We also provide crushing and processing services to coal and hard rock mines.

Another function of Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. is our ongoing wholesale and retail production of sand, gravel, and aggregate from our commercial pits and quarries. Twelve commercial operations and approximately 45 portable plants are operating throughout twelve states. We mine over 30 million tons of aggregate materials each year and perform over 100 projects.
